Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Humility and the Long view

Day One: Listen to this sermon by Dr. Russell Moore. The Long Way Around: Why It May Take a Couple Billion Years to Get to Your Best Life Now (Acts 5:27-42)

Take notes on this sermon as you go, so you can refer back to them.
What is the long view?
Who takes the long view in this passage?

Wisdom and humility sits back and takes a second look in situations where your pride could take over: Can you think of a situation in your life where you were short-sighted about the outcome? What was the effect of this response? Pray for wisdom and humility for you and four other people you know.

Day Two: Think back to the sermon. Read Acts 5:27-42. The apostles were beaten.
How did they respond (verse 41)?
How did they take the long view of the situation?
Which member of the Trinity was at work in their response?
Who is at work in you when you take a long view of trials and tribulation in your life and respond in ways that honor God?
Are you ready for this?
Pray for a steadfast heart of trust in God's long-term plan to make all things right in the difficulty you face.

Day Three: Reread Acts 5:27-42 twice.
How long do you hope to live?
Do you think about those years in terms of Gospel advancement?
What is God preparing you for in eternity?
Do you expect trials or do you hope to get through life without suffering?
What is King Jesus preparing you for, for His Name's sake? And do you consider the necessary suffering that it will take to get you there, a blessing?
Pray for courage to face each new circumstance of suffering, knowing that the exaltation of Christ is everything! Pray for God to give you the long view in coming hard circumstances you don't even know about now.

Day Four: What does God promise you?
list some of those promises here and back them up with Scripture.
Jesus promises suffering. What are some wrong responses?

According to Dr. Moore's sermon toward the end, what does he say is the one thing that makes suffering meaningless?

Pray that Christ will be everything to you and ask him to help you welcome sufferings knowing that it is for His glory and your own good.

Day Five: Christ suffered for the long view. Read Phil. 2:1-11. What does this say about how Christ held the long view of suffering?
How was Jesus rewarded?
Who else benefited?

Does God command you to make sense of your suffering in the here and now (refer to your sermon notes)?

What does He command you to do?

Pray for an hour today. Follow the format given two weeks ago. Come before God's throne with a longer view of His purposes for you, for your friends, family and the church around the world. Begin to pray "us" and not "me". Ask the Spirit of God to make you worthy of the sufferings of Christ and to open your eyes to His long term plans.

Day Six: (Optional) Pick one day this week and fast all day from something (meals, media, facebook, communication with friends, reading your novel). Use this time to pray and ask God to direct your life wherever He sees fit. Tell Him that you are willing to go anywhere He sends you. Pray for missionaries you know and ask if God might have a future in missions for you.

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