Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Missionary Short Biographies: humility and spreading the Gospel

Day One:

Read this short biography on David Brainard

How did he show humility?

What did you learn from his life? Find three things.

Post them in the comment section on Thursday.

Day two:

Read this short biography on William Carey

How did he show humility?

List three things you learned from his life.

Post them in the comment section on Friday.

Day three: Read this short biography on Hudson Taylor

How did he show humility?

Post three things you learned from his life. Monday.

Day four: read this short biography on James Chalmers

How did he show humility?

Post three things you learned from his life. Tuesday.

Day five: Along with your regular Bible reading, pray for an hour.

Review what you learned from the biographies and pray for the Spirit of God to produce fruit in your life as you seek to follow their examples.


  1. David Brainard:
    1.) Regularly prayed for hours at a time.
    2.) Grasped the shortness of this life, and the eternality of the next life. He showed this by constantly engaging in spiritual warfare for immortal souls, and going into harm's way even though he was very sick and would have died young anyways. Besides that, he probably gave up friends, family, his own comfortable home, the chance to be married--all for the sake of eternal causes that he couldn't even see yet.
    3.) Had a prayer life so real that sometimes he felt "raised above the things of this world" while he was communing with God.

  2. David Brainard...
    1. I loved how he wrote that God enabled him with the strength to pray for hours at a time, or all throughout the day. He recognized his own frailty, and inability to pray without the Holy Spirits work in his own life.
    2. He had an incredible burden for the lost people that he was witnessing to. He would get up early and pray for hours for their souls. He recognized the seriousness of the spiritual warfare that was taking place.
    3. He didn't use his own physical inabilities as an excuse not to serve God in every possible way. The biography said that he was fail and sickly from his youth, and I don't know about you, but that seems like a pretty good reason not to go and serve a people group that probably wants to kill you. He displayed by his own humility that he knew that in his weakness God would enable him to be great for his kingdom.

    --This guy is one of my heros!--

  3. 1-Of course, his prayer life is an awesome example to me. I love how he refers to prayer, as "sweet duty".
    2-He acknowledges that the ability to engage in this "sweet duty" is only through the enabling of Jesus Christ. He shows his dependence upon Christ through a strong prayer life, but then it is only through his dependence on Christ that he says he can even pray! That's pretty cool.
    3-His desire to only please the Lord is evident through his secret communion with the Father. Not doing these great things in order to get recognition from others. A very humble man.
    ~Amy P.

  4. David Brainard:

    1)Though he was ill, he didn't let that get in the way of allowing God to do His Will in him. Sending him out to preach the gospel to people who sought to kill him!
    2)In both his prayers and his life he acknowledges God and gives Him all the glory for everything accomplished.From him being able to pray, all they way to the soul that is saved and everything in between. He makes mention that God enabled him to pray with more agony for immortal soul than ordinarily.
    3)His desire to commune with God was also encouraging. When I read his journal entires to me it sounds like he looked forward to or enjoyed the time he had spent in prayer to the Lord. He loved to commune with God.

    Truly a humble man. Such a great example for me!

  5. Maybe this man wasnt blessed with the best health but he definately was blessed with a loving spirit... He easily could of considered the Indians not worth talking to. That he was to proud to talk to people who lived in huts and in forests. That somebody actually went into the middle of the wilderness and gave up everything.. its hard to believe, completely illogical. All for God.

    1. He was compassionate, something i definately need to work on. He showed love to them as he would of his bestfriends.. God's children. A picture of Christ.
    2. He was passionate. These people were not a hobby to him, not some far distant people he could care less about. He did not give them a minute of his time he gave them his life. Just like his praying, not 5 minutes not a 1/2. Often it says he spent hours praying. He gave up these earthly desires, realized this life isnt important and gave himself wholly and completely to giving God glory. If i could have half of his zeal for living for God..
    3. His praying was intense. They werent quick thank you's, a plea for help when the times got rough, no way. His prayer was deep heart felt talking to God. Definately somebody after God's own heart.

    Yeaah! I'm excited i finally figured out how to comment. haha the first time i wrote this and i hit post it erased it all. :(

  6. William Carey:
    1.) Did not stop in the face of opposition. Not only did the Indians resist the gospel, but the actual church thought his plans were ridiculous. He obeyed the call straight out of God's word, even though virtually everyone around him was against the idea.
    2.) Was amazingly diligent. He devoted a huge amount of time to learning languages and the Bible and studying for his sermon. Not only was he fully committed to going forth with the gospel, but he also devoted practically all his time to meeting that goal. Something tells me he didn't waste as much time as I do, on other fun things.
    3.) Did not seek recognition for any of his work. Even on his deathbed, he wanted any memories of him to be turned around and become praise to God.

  7. 1-His sincere calling to the mission field was received not out of emotion while he was on a "spiritual high"(as some call it) but during his own personal communion with God. His "quiet times" had the same reviving effect that a great conference, Fort Wilderness, Sunday morning worship, etc. have on me. My desire is that my "quiet times" would produce this same kind of life changing fruit and fire for God.
    2-His life challenges me to obey the same call that he heard from the Lord- to endeaveor to make the Gospel known among all nations. Maybe not in a foreign country, but those that I interact with on a daily basis and wherever God calls me to can be referred to as "all nations". May I respond with "Here am I;send me!"
    3-Through all of his great accomplishments his desire is to bring glory not to himself, but to "Dr. Carey's God".
    ~Amy P.

  8. William Carey-
    1. He was convinced that God wanted him to go and spread the gospel, and he didn't let anything or anyone discourage him from doing just that. Even though the church thought that he was crazy, and his wife and children didn't even want to go at first, he was determined to serve the Lord, with everything that was in him.
    2. He was incredibly humble. He didn't seek to be recognized for anyting that had been done in India through him. He wanted everyone to remember "Dr, Carey's God" when they remembered him. I can say that that more often than not I wan't people to remember me and what I did or said, more than I actually want to see the name of God be glorified.
    3. It is obvious that his ministry in India wasn't easy, and his perseverance is amazing to me. I probably would have given up, I mean he didn't see any fruit from his labors for seven years, but yet he stayed and continued to serve God and the Indian people not matter what the costs.

  9. Right down to this man's death he glorified and praised God. Even in his last words he humbly proclaimed to look not at him or his accomplishments but at the God who had done it all.

    1. This man had some amazing God sent patience. haha When i have a hard time even waiting for a game to begin in youthgroup, look at this guy! It took him forever just to get to India after his calling. I mean imagine him feeling God calling him, thinking that what he wanted to do was right and then having all the spiritual leaders and elders tell him he was crazy.. Then once he gets there he doesnt even see any fruit for seven years! He must of completely trusted in God.
    2. Major Perseverance. This man did NOT give up. Like it said he just "kept plodding". I don't really like plodding. Kinda like this world is right now we want everything now ASAP. I have to remind myself i dont see the big picture, God's in control and he'll work it out for the best. Must of been soo frustrating when everybody said noway to him going. I think it was interesting tho when everybody said no way, he trusted God and stepped out in the unknown to make it happen himself and God blessed him for it. He easily could've given up when everybody said no.
    3. I dont really have a word for this one. When i read that his wife did not want to go with him i couldnt believe it! Even his wife was against it. Nothing stopped this man tho! Like in our devotions he had to give up Part A, relationship.. I think it was almost like Isaac and Jacob. He was asking William to give up his family and he would of but in the end God allowed his wife to have a change of heart and to go with him. It doesnt really sound like she was with him on this idea much at all through everything though.

    What is so crazy about these stories is there is no logical explanation why a person would go through all that. Except that there was a God who kept them going even through the most difficult trials. God really worked through him because he could never of done all that on his own.

  10. Hudson Taylor:
    1] He defintely understood the importance of prayer too. I think im starting to see the theme of these men i have been reading about. When I read the part about when he decided to give the woman the silver piece he was kind of like testing and trusting God. It reminded me of the story in the Bible about... well i forget the name of the guy but when he put the piece of cloth out and asked God if he would not get it wet with dew and in the morning it wasnt. Anywa reminded me of that story.
    2] He put action to words. He realized that he was going to have to leave the comforts of his life to prepare himself. He knew he needed to completely trust in God so he got rid of all the distractions in his life and things he could lean back on. Money, family, food and trusted them all to God.
    3] He never changed his message. To stay close to God you need close communion with him. Prayer. Through all the problems and dilemnas he faced, praying to God was the most constant thing he did.

  11. Hudson Taylor.
    1.) Wow...after hearing that story about him moving alone to "Drainside," being called to a dying family, witnessing to them and giving them his last coin, I was pretty amazed. And then it said he was just 19! That's only three and a half years away for me. I can't imagine going out on a limb like that, just because I thought God was calling me. From my perspective, I have my whole life ahead of me. Taylor gave all that up.
    2.) Emiline had some great things to say about Taylor's prayer life. He was completely the opposite of manipulative; he put everything in God's hands, even whether he would get his next paycheck. Yet, I find it hard to even trust God with my plans for Christmas break.
    3.) I know we say a lot about how we need to "trust God more." But with Hudson Taylor, that wasn't just a phrase. It was literally how he lived every minute.

  12. Hudson Taylor~
    1. Okay, so this guy had some major faith. He didn't worry about anything but completely entrusted everything to God. If my boss hadn't paid me, and I had to pay my rent that night and buy food, I am pretty sure that I would be freaking out, and really upset with my boss for not remembering to pay me. But instead, Hudson realized that God was in control, and he completely trusted God to provide for him, and sure enough God pulled through every time.
    2. Hudson was sensitive to the Lord's leading in his life. When he went and ministerd to that dying, poor family, he not only sacrificed that night to witness to some random people, but he responded to the Holy Spirit's conviction to give up everything that he had (that one coin) so that they could eat.
    3. Hudson lived a life of sacrifice, daily. He sacrificed his whole entire life to serving the Lord in China. He gave up horses, hunting, and luxuries, things he used to desire before he came to Christ. He even gave up money(the only money he had)to the poor. He sacrified everything so that he could serve God and know him more, so he definitely lived out Phil 3:8.
    ...I want to be like him. He totally grasped eternity, and he didn't focus on the here and now. He trusted God fully, and God rewarded him for his faith.

  13. Hudson Taylor
    1.) His life was totally and completely changed by God. He was a totally changed person who lived a totally different life with totally different desires.
    2.) He prayed about everything, even little things that I totally wouldn't think to pray about. He trusted God, and knew that God would provide him with what he needed.
    3.) He was completely on fire for Christ, and had a burning desire to share the Gospel, especially in missionary work.

  14. ps. I am aware that I didn't post on the other two days that I should have. Feel free to give me the business about it...

  15. Justina, you still have time. Love to hear what you have to say about it. Thanks for the great responses to all this. You chicks are the best.

  16. Emiline:
    I am with you on the way these men prayed being the major difference. I want to be more fervent in my prayers to see God do amazing things in and through our ministry. Let's unite to pray more diligently for the ones who don't seem to care about Christ, in our lives. Thanks for these comments. I'm so blessed. The story you're thinking about is in Judges 6 and it's Gideon and the fleece. Read it again...it's amazing.

  17. James Chalmers~

    1. James had the same passion and asperatoin as Paul did, he desired to take the gospel where it wasn't known. He felt that the Lord didn't just want him ministring to people who had already heard the gospel, but he wanted James to take the gospel to a place where no one knew the truth.
    2. I thought that it was pretty awesome how James was really crazy and loved adventure, and then God used his energy and passion do crazy things for him. When James was on the mission field God used his passion and excitement for his glory. All of his energetic and adventure seeking behavior when he was a teenager was perfect for what God would have him do later on his life. I don't know, but I just thought it was cool how God used his personality for his glory on the mission field.
    3. James died bringing the gospel to a savage people. He was willing to sacrifice his life to show a lost tribe the love of Christ, and he did give his life. He was fully commited, 100% of the way to bring the gospel where it was not known, and he did that faithfully, and he was killed that way. I can't think of a more heroic way to die, other than giving your life for a people who didn't know the gospel. I want be willing to give my life for the sake of the gospel going forth.

    Justina...I can't believe you. jp!

  18. James Chalmers.
    1.) It was really cool for me to see how, as a teenager, James really loved life and lived every adventure to the fullest. He had a lot of friends, and a lot of fun. Sometimes I think that my love for my friends and the good times we have is something that would keep me from going anywhere and doing anything that God wants me to do. Like Katelyn said, James took his passion for life and threw himself into missions, not losing any of it.
    2.) It seems to be a common theme, at least with Chalmers and Taylor, that they knew God was calling them to be missionaries from a very young age. It is really remarkable to consider the responsibilities these guys had placed on them when they were our age or a little older. It makes me want to not let my age be an excuse for avoiding radical trials that God wants me to take on.
    3.) He did what we all hope we can say that we want to do--die for Christ. Really, he had to know that he "could have" died on any one of his missions to the cannibals. He obviously trusted God's timing and protection. He held nothing, literally nothing back in serving the Lord.

  19. James Chalmers~

    1)Even when things didn't go exactly like he wanted or when he was disappointed (like when he found that Rarotonga had already been "Christanized") he didn't get upset or give up. He continued the work that was already started and was content with where the Lord had placed him.

    2) He was courageous. He went out where it was dangerous and shared Christ's love without fear.( How often, I hesitate or become fearful of what people will think of me if/when I share my faith, here where I most likely won't get hurt.)Yet, this man risked his life for Christ.

    3)He didn't let trails or hardships get in the way of his doing God's will. When his wife died he didn't question God or take a break for the mission. He instead continued on with the work with more passion and energy.

    It was really neat to see that he took his love for adventure and courage(which was a gift from God) and use it to glorify Him and further the Kingdom of Heaven. I have learned alot from this man.

  20. okay...so I feel I have learned a ton from just reading all of these posts! you guys encourage me big time.

  21. James Chalmers.

    1.) He followed Gods call. Everywhere God wanted him to go, he went. God called him to be a missionary, and he obeyed whole heartedly. He did hold anything back from God, he let God direct his paths completely.

    2.) He really focused on helping those he shared the gospel with to become strong Christians. He only baptized those whom he knew were Christians, those who bore fruit in their lives. He was very focused not on helping people become saved, but helping them to become the most like Christ they possibly could.
    3.) He left a lasting impression on everyone around him. I Love how in his biography there are quotes from other people all over the place. It's just full of other people talking about him, and the amazing impact the things he said and did had on them.

  22. I am in complete awe of this man and his God. Probably one of my favorite guy's from these stories.
    1) He used his talents, personality, and confidence that God had given him to further His ministry. He definately knew that his confidence had to be in God tho not in himself.
    2) I rather envy this man's adventures, making friends with pirates, living on a pacific island, making friends with cannibals. What a crazy life this man led. Most people if they were in these circumstances probably would of wanted to die, but he saw the good in every situation, how he could glorify God from it.
    3) Though you could go on and on about this man I think that the women in this story play a huge part also. The part that shocked me the most was when he left his wife by herself with the tribe for 3 weeks. What faith she must of had, in God and in her husband. She was the backbone to his leading, it said that as he conducted services she helped by teaching. I hardly can believe that she thought that everything her husband did was smart but she trusted God to take care of it and was the helper he needed. I dunno, it just popped out at me. If i was in that situation i think there would be a few things i would have something to say about but since she completely trusted God it worked out.

    P.S. Thanks Amy for telling me where that story was from! haha I knew that, brain cramp, but yeah definately a good read. I wish it was that crystal clear for all of us. And yeah after seeing how praying effected like everything in these guys lives im gonna work on spending more time just chilling with God ;).
