Day One:
The book of 2Timothy was written by Paul as he awaited execution. Read all four chapters of this book and make a list of things he is concerned about even while he is facing his own death.
In your prayer time today, ask God to give you an eternal mindset so that you could be more concerned about these things too.
Day Two:
Read 2Tim. 1 three times. Who is this letter written to? He warns against fear. Go through chapter one and write down all the ways to abolish fear.
In your prayer time today confess the sin of fear of man, or fear of circumstances, rejection, injury, death etc. And ask God to remind you to care more about the Gospel and God's glory than you do about your own self-protection.
Day three:
Read 2Tim. 2 three times. Paul is passing on his example of faithfulness in the face of suffering to someone younger who can do the same for others. How are you planning to do this?
What does he say about the soldier?
What does he say about the athlete?
What does he say about the farmer?
How can you apply these principles to your own experience?
In your prayer time commit to put aside something that has been a hindrance to what really matters, the Gospel.
Day Four:
Read 2Tim. 3 three times.
What are the last days like? Write out a list of things describing the last days.
What does Paul say is the only thing that is able to equip Timothy for every good work; it comes from the very breath of God?
Paul endured sufferings and persecutions to bring the truth of the Gospel to an evil world. This chapter tells us that it has only gotten worse since then. I believe the beginning of this chapter describes our world today. Are you willing to love these people and do you love God's glory enough to bring the truth to them no matter the cost to you?
Make this a focus of your prayer today.
Day Five:
Read 2Tim 4 three times.
What is the charge given to Timothy in the beginning of this chapter? He is to _____________________, being ready in season and out of season.
Paul is very sure about his life. He knows without a doubt that he lived it fully in obedience to his calling. (4:7,8) Can you say this about yourself?
Do you want to live the kind of life that brings you the assurance that Paul has here?
Make this a focus of your prayer today, that you want to be willing to be poured out completely for Jesus in this world, not holding back parts of your life for selfish, fleshly gain. Tell Him you want to finish strong!
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